Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) provides opportunities for students to learn about and practise ways of adopting and maintaining a healthy, productive and active life. It involves students learning through movement experiences that are challenging and enjoyable.
PDHPE provides the opportunity for young people to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health and wellbeing of themselves and others, now and in the future. These issues include physical activity, mental health, drug use, sexual health, nutrition, supportive relationships and discrimination issues.
The PDHPE curriculum plays an important role in enhancing resilience and connectedness plus giving students the opportunity to develop personal coping strategies for everyday life.
At GLC Forster Campus students have two periods of theory and four periods of practical lessons.
For PE students are required to wear the GLC Forster Campus sport uniform during PE lessons.
Boys – Black shorts/tracksuit, red polo shirt, joggers
Girls – Black shorts/tracksuit, red polo shirt, joggers (No tights)
Students must change back into the normal school uniform at the end of each lesson. The uniform is compulsory and allows for ease of movement whilst enabling students to maintain a high level of personal hygiene throughout the school day.
126 pg A4 lined book, pens, highlighter, coloured pencils, glue stick.