General Overview
English is a compulsory subject for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Strong English skills are the foundation for all communication in our society and are paramount to the success of every student regardless of what path in life they choose to pursue.
English focuses around six key literacy skills:
- Reading for understanding
- Writing for different purposes, audiences and settings
- Listening and comprehending
- Speaking and tailoring language to ensue communication is clear and appropriate for the forum
- Viewing texts critically and understanding how they have been put together
- Representing – recognising that speaking and writing aren't the only ways to communicate our ideas.
More than just studying a novel
Gone are the days when English was merely about studying a novel. Today's students are exposed to a range of texts that prepare them to think critically about texts that they will be exposed to throughout their lifetime. Students study:
- Fiction and non-fiction
- Plays
- Poetry (including popular music)
- Live theatre
- Websites
- Film and documentaries
- Media
- Picture Books.
In Stages 4 & 5 students are not restricted to be specific texts like in the HSC. Teachers have the freedom to selects texts that are related to the concept we study, leading to texts being selected to ensure maximum student engagement.
Units of Work
To engage students and prepare them for lifelong learning, students study a concept for each unit, which is related to the wider world. Then we apply related and core texts to this concept.
We study the techniques the composer (writer/author/painter/director) uses to present their ideas/thoughts/opinions/social commentary to their current society. Students explore the composer's ideas while forming opinions of their own.
Students not only analyse how others have entertained us, informed us, or persuaded us; they compose their own material in analytical, persuasive and creative mediums in a variety of text types.
We encourage students to form opinions about the texts, the concepts and the wider issues in which they connect. This creates empathetic young adults that are self-sufficient learners.
We use a range of multi-modal texts and alternate delivery systems in the classroom, such as Kahoot, YouTube, Storyboard That and social media forums to encourage and support inclusive learning opportunities. We support students getting them ready for a future in a digital era.
Subject Requirements
All students are required to have the following equipment:
- workbook
- blue and red pen
- lead pencil
- four different coloured highlighters.
Assessment takes a variety of forms and may include:
- classwork
- listening tasks
- writing tasks
- representing tasks
- viewing tasks
- reading tasks
- formal examination
- oral work and presentations.
At the start of each year, your child will receive a Scope and Sequence and Assessment Schedule that outline units of work and assessments for the year.